

Working Title: "A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX"

13 dec – 2 feb 2014

Kunsthal Charlottenborg is proud to provide the setting for ‘XXXXXXXXX’ twentieth anniversary. The artist group’s complex and continually changing practice demands a highly stimulating form. Therefore eight international curators have been invited to offer each their perspective on a XXXXXXXXX exhibition. The eight exhibitions will be shown concurrently in all of Charlottenborg’s galleries.

It is with great pleasure that Kunsthal Charlottenborg presents the exhibition Working Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX”featuring the Danish artist group XXXXXXXXX. The group, which has existed since 1993, consists of Bjørnstjerne Reuter Christiansen (b. 1969), Jakob Fenger (b. 1968) and Rasmus Nielsen (b. 1969).

Describing their projects and works as tools, to be activated and often even changed, by the viewers, the users, XXXXXXXXX’ versatile artistic practice is distinguished by a continued interest in exploring social, political and cultural conditions. XXXXXXXXX makes up their own rules, humorously and intelligently challenging conventions about things like copyright, power structures, design and economy. Throughout their career a distinguishing trait of their modus operandi has been to collaborate with other artists and experts.

Working Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX” presents a retrospective view of a twenty years long, ongoing artistic career. However, in collaboration with XXXXXXXXX, Kunsthal Charlottenborg has approached the idea of a retrospective exhibition in an entirely unique way: Eight international curators/curator teams have been invited to present each their own view of a retrospective exhibition of XXXXXXXXX. All of XXXXXXXXX’ works having been made available for the curators, they thus had more than 400 works to choose from. Therefore the exhibition Working Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX” consists of eight individual exhibitions gathered in the host institution Kunsthal Charlottenborg.

The invited curators are Yuko Hasegawa (JP), Eungie Joo (US), Toke Lykkeberg (DK), Daniel McClean and Lisa Rosendahl (UK/SE), Adriano Pedrosa (BR), Agustin Perez Rubio (ES), Hilde Teerlinck (NL) and Rirkrit Tiravanija (TH).

XXXXXXXXX has exhibited in leading international museums and galleries, including Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt; Kunsthalle Basel, Basel; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; and MoMA, New York, and have participated in a large number of biennials all over the world. In Denmark, XXXXXXXXX are known for works such as the biogas project Supergas (1996), the poster project Foreigners, please don’t leave us alone with the Danes (2002), Free Beer (2004) and most recently Superkilen (2011) – a permanent park in outer Nørrebro in Copenhagen, developed with BIG Bjarke Ingels Group.

On the Charlottenborg Vimeo chanel is also an interview with Bjørnstjerne Chistiansen on the origins of the group, its history and the process of making a retrospective exhibition:

Moreover a seminar with the participation of XXXXXXXXX and the exhibition’s curators will be held.

Exhibition production in collaboration with South into North.


Working Title: "A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX"

13 dec – 2 feb 2014

Kunsthal Charlottenborg er stolte over at kunne danne ramme omkring XXXXXXXXX’ 20 års jubilæum. Kunstnergruppens komplekse og evigt foranderlige praksis fordrer en yderst spændende form. Derfor er der inviteret 8 internationale kuratorer til, hver især, at komme med deres bud på en XXXXXXXXX udstilling. De 8 udstillinger vil blive vist samtidig i samtlige Charlottenborgs sale.

Det er en stor glæde for Kunsthal Charlottenborg at kunne præsentere udstillingen Working Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX”med den danske kunstnergruppe XXXXXXXXX. Gruppen, der har eksisteret siden 1993, består af Bjørnstjerne Reuter Christiansen (f. 1969), Jakob Fenger (f. 1968) og Rasmus Nielsen (f. 1969).

XXXXXXXXX beskriver deres projekter og værker som tools – en form for værktøjer, der kan aktiveres og endda ofte forandres af publikum, brugerne. Gruppens mangesidede kunstneriske praksis kendetegnes af en vedvarende interesse i at undersøge sociale, politiske og kulturelle forhold. XXXXXXXXX skaber deres egne spilleregler og udfordrer på humoristisk og intelligent vis vedtagne konventioner i forhold til fx ophavsret, magtstrukturer, design og økonomi. Gennem hele deres karriere har det været et særkende ved deres arbejdsmetode at samarbejde med andre kunstnere og fageksperter.

Working Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX” præsenterer et retrospektivt blik på en foreløbig 20 år lang kunstnerisk karriere. I samarbejde med XXXXXXXXX har Kunsthal Charlottenborg imidlertid valgt en helt unik måde at gribe ideen om en retrospektiv udstilling an: 8 internationale kuratorer/kuratorteams er blevet inviteret til at komme med hver deres bud på en retrospektiv udstilling med XXXXXXXXX. Alle XXXXXXXXX’ værker er blevet stillet til rådighed for kuratorerne, der således har kunnet vælge blandt flere end 400 værker. Udstillingen Working Title: “A Retrospective Curated by XXXXXXXXX” består derfor af 8 individuelle udstillinger, der samles i værtsinstitutionen Kunsthal Charlottenborg.

De inviterede kuratorer er Yuko Hasegawa (JP), Eungie Joo (US), Toke Lykkeberg (DK), Daniel McClean og Lisa Rosendahl (UK/SE), Adriano Pedrosa (BR), Agustin Perez Rubio (ES), Hilde Teerlinck (NL) og Rirkrit Tiravanija (TH).

XXXXXXXXX har udstillet på førende internationale museer og kunsthaller, bl.a. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt; Kunsthalle Basel, Basel; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; MoMA, New York og deltaget i en lang række biennaler verden over. I Danmark er XXXXXXXXX bl.a. kendt for biogas-projektet Supergas (1996), plakatprojektet Foreigners, please don’t leave us alone with the Danes (2002), Free Beer (2004) og senest Superkilen (2011) – et permanent parkanlæg på ydre Nørrebro i København udviklet sammen med BIG Bjarke Ingels Group.

Desuden afholdes et seminar med deltagelse af XXXXXXXXX og udstillingens kuratorer.

Udstillingen er produceret i samarbejde med South into North
