
Chart 2023

Den 24. - 27. august slår vi dørene op til CHART, der igen i år finder sted på Charlottenborg. Årets program præsenterer udstillinger, talks og en bogmesse samt et væld af offentlige begivenheder i kunsthallens gård med musik, performances, arkitektur og installationskunst.


Dette års messe vil byde på præsentationer af 37 gallerier fra hele Norden, herunder en ny bølge af nordiske kvindeledede gallerier såsom palace enterprise (DK), Saskia Neuman Gallery (SE), Sharp Projects (DK), Þula (IS), Isca Gallery (NO) and Galleri Cora Hillebrand (SE). Derudover præsenterer messen også otte nyetablerede gallerier samt kunstnerdrevne og alternative udstillingsrum i messens Please Notice-sektion, herunder NEVVEN (SE) og Lagune Ouest (DK). Udover præsentationer af etablerede kunstnere som Catherine Opie (US), Ragnar Kjartansson (IS), Klara Kristalova (SE) og Fiona Tan (ID), vil gallerier også præsentere værker af en ny generation af kunstnere, herunder Sandra Mujinga (NO), Giorgio Celin (CO), Birke Gorm (DK) og Tora Schultz (DK).

CHART vil også fremvise et unikt samarbejde mellem Kunsthall Oslo og Khartoum Contemporary Art Center (KCAC), som i fællesskab vil deltage i kunstmessen med kunstnere fra KCACs program. KCAC er et konceptuelt kunstinitiativ, skabt af kunstnerne Fadlabi og Karin Erixon, som har til formål at fremme nye kunstnere fra Afrika og Mellemøsten, især Sudan. Centret fik en fysisk form som et galleri og en sen aftenbar i Oslo fra 2017-2022 med et panafrikansk program med udstillinger og arrangementer. Efter lukningen af ​​KCACs fysiske placering vil KCAC samarbejde med Kunsthall Oslo om en præsentation på CHART 2023, der strækker sig fra Luleå til Addis Abeba. Læs mere her.

Offentligt program

CHART inkorporerer arkitektur, design og bogudgivelser, offentlige programmer, der når et bredt publikum, og en tilstedeværelse året rundt gennem sin digitale platform, CHART Journal. Traditionen med et generøst offentligt program fortsætter med performances og musik i Charlottenborgs gårde, gratis og åbent for alle, der gør CHART til en fejring af kunsten i hjertet af København. For første gang i år opføres også en række gratis offentlige performances på torvet ved Kongens Nytorv under CHART.

CHART 2023 præsenterer også for tredje gang CHART Book Fair, der finder sted i Festsalen på Charlottenborg. Bogmessen skaber et unikt mødested mellem det uafhængige nordiske forlagsmiljø og det mere etablerede kunstmiljø af gallerier, samlere og museer.

CHART præsenterer endnu engang en arkitektkonkurrence for teams af nye arkitekter, ofte i samarbejde med designere og kunstnere. Årets tema er New European Bauhaus, hvis kerneprincipper er æstetik, inklusion og bæredygtighed. Fem forslag til innovative arkitektoniske strukturer, udvalgt af juryen, vil blive realiseret i Charlottenborgs gård under CHART. Her vil de lave sociale rum eller være vært for barer og restauranter fra nogle af Københavns førende kulinariske etablissementer. Vinderen af ​​CHART Architecture-konkurrencen offentliggøres den 25. august. Årets jury omfatter: Gert Wingårdh, ejer og kreativ direktør for Wingårdhs; Camilla Ryhl, leder af Universal Design Hub; Anders Lendager, stifter og partner hos Lendager; Ebbe Stub Wittrup, samtidskunstner; Lise Gandrup Jørgensen, partner og projektdirektør i Dorte Mandrup; og Rong Guan, designer og intern arkitekt hos Polestar.



Talks, performances og events i Charlottenborgs gårde er gratis for alle at deltage i – resten af programmet kræver en billet til CHART 2023.


24. august 11.00–19.00 VIP Preview (kun med invitation)
25. august 11.00–19.00 (gårdene er åbne indtil midnat)
26. august 11.00–18.00 (gårdene er åbne indtil midnat)
27. august 11.00–17.00

Det offentlige program er gratis. Køb din billet til CHART her.

CHART 2023

Taking place from 24 – 27 August 2023, Charlottenborg will be the center of CHART, the leading event for contemporary art in the Nordic region. The program comprises a rich offering of exhibitions, talks, performances, music, film screenings, public art installations as well as the third edition of the art book fair.


This year’s art fair will feature presentations by 37 exhibitors from across the Nordic region, including a new wave of Nordic female-led galleries such as palace enterprise (DK), Saskia Neuman Gallery (SE), Sharp Projects (DK), Þula (IS), Isca Gallery (NO) and Galleri Cora Hillebrand (SE). The fair will also showcase 8 young galleries, artist-run and alternative exhibition spaces in the Please Notice section of the fair including NEVVEN (SE) and Lagune Ouest (DK). Alongside presentations by established artists such as Catherine Opie (US), Ragnar Kjartansson (IS), Klara Kristalova (SE) and Fiona Tan (ID), galleries will also present work by a new generation of artists including Sandra Mujinga (NO), Giorgio Celin (CO), Birke Gorm (DK) and Tora Schultz (DK).

CHART will also showcase a unique collaboration between Kunsthall Oslo and Khartoum Contemporary Art Center (KCAC), who will jointly participate in the art fair with artists from KCAC’s programme. KCAC is a conceptual art initiative, imagined by the artists Fadlabi and Karin Erixon, which aims to foster emerging artists from Africa and the Middle East, particularly Sudan. The Center took a physical form as a gallery and late-night bar in Oslo from 2017-2022, with a Pan-Africanist programme of exhibitions and events. Following the closure of KCAC’s physical location, KCAC will collaborate with Kunsthall Oslo on a presentation at CHART 2023 that reaches from Luleå to Addis Ababa. Further info here.


CHART incorporates architecture, design and book publishing, public programmes that reach a wide audience, and a year-round presence through its digital platform, CHART Journal. The tradition of a generous public programme continues with performances and music acts in the courtyards of Charlottenborg, free and open for everyone, that turns CHART into a celebration of the arts in the heart of Copenhagen. For the first time this year, a series of free public performances will also be staged on the square at Kongens Nytorv during CHART.

CHART 2023 will also bring the return of CHART Book Fair for its third edition, taking place in Festsalen at Charlottenborg. The Book Fair creates a unique meeting point between the independent Nordic publishing community and the more established arts community of galleries, collectors and museums, to highlight printed matter by leading publishers from across the region.

Showing its dedication to collaboration and sustainability, CHART presents an architecture competition for teams of emerging architects, often in collaboration with designers and artists. This year’s theme is New European Bauhaus foregrounding the New European Bauhaus’s core principles of aesthetics, inclusion and sustainability. Five proposals for innovative architectural structures, shortlisted by the jury, will be realized in the historic courtyards of Charlottenborg during CHART. Here they will provide social space or host bars and restaurants from some of Copenhagen’s leading culinary establishments. The winner of the CHART Architecture competition will be announced on 25 August. This year’s jury includes: Gert Wingårdh, owner and creative director of Wingårdhs; Camilla Ryhl, head of the Universal Design Hub; Anders Lendager, founder and partner at Lendager; Ebbe Stub Wittrup, contemporary artist; Lise Gandrup Jørgensen, partner and project director at Dorte Mandrup; and Rong Guan, designer and in-house architect at Polestar.



Talks, performances and events located in the Charlottenborg courtyard is open for all – the rest of the program requires a CHART 2023 ticket.

Opening hours:

24 August 11.00–19.00 VIP Preview (invitation only)
25 August 11.00–19.00  (courtyard stays open until midnight)
26 August 11.00–18.00  (courtyard stays open until midnight)
27 August 11.00–17.00

The public programme is free. Buy your CHART ticket here.