
Silke Otto-Knapp

Geography and Plays

20 sep – 17 nov 2013

Silke Otto-Knapp’s (DE b. 1970) paintings are characterised by graphic lines and opaque surfaces with staged representations of figures and landscapes. The exhibition Geography and Plays displays a selection of these works, which could be regarded as entering into a dialogue with Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill.

Silke Otto-Knapp works with watercolours on canvas, in an almost monochromatic spectrum: a choice of materials that allows the building up of the complex, semi-transparent, layered surfaces that characterise her landscapes.
Based on documentation of performances by for instance the Ballet Russes in the 1920s, the Judson Dance Theatre in the 1960s or contemporary choreographers, Silke Otto-Knapp has also painted formations and tableaus formed by the bodies of the choreographed dancers. The monumentality and formalised ritual of the choreography is translated into almost abstract elements that create a contrast to the otherwise fragile expression.

Silke Otto-Knapp

Geography and Plays

20 sep – 17 nov 2013

Silke Otto-Knapps (f. 1970, Tyskland) malerier er præget af rene linjer og poetisk tågede flader med nærmest skrøbelige gengivelser af figurer og landskaber. På udstillingen Geography and Plays vises et udvalg af disse værker, der kan anskues som værende i dialog med Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill.

Silke Otto-Knapp arbejder med akvarel på lærred i et næsten monokromt spektrum. Et materialevalg, der giver mulighed for at opbygge de komplekse, halvtransparente, lag-på-lag flader, der præger hendes landskaber.

Med udgangspunkt i fundne fotografier, der dokumenterer danseforestillinger fra 1920’erne, har Silke Otto-Knapp også malet de formationer, som de koreograferede danseres kroppe skaber. Koreografiens monumentalitet og formaliserede ritual oversættes til næsten abstrakte elementer, der skaber kontrast til det ellers skrøbelige udtryk.
