Morten Sylvest Nøhr: En maskine der rydder op i dine ting, 2014. Installation view, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2015. Photo by Marc Fluri.
Pilar Mata Dupont, The Embrace, 2013. Press photo.
Benjamin Dufour »Tenochtitlan«, 2014. Installation view, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, 2015. Photo Marc Fluri.
Spring Exhibition 2015
The Spring Exhibition is an open, juried exhibition that has been an annual recurring event at Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s programme for 158 years. The Spring Exhibition is organized by the private institution Charlottenborg Fonden.
The Spring Exhibition 2015 presents artists from throughout the world. Many are from Denmark and Northern Europe, but artists from countries like Australia, Brazil and USA are behind some of the exhibited works from the fields of visual art, architecture and design.
In this years exhibition, one thing is clear: There is not a single, common picture or idea for social change reflected in these works, but rather many quiet, private examinations of everyday life – reflections on everything from house plants to turntables, dogs, a hand mixer and personal belongings, to the machine that cleans up your stuff. All these small epiphanies may seem diffuse when seen separately, but taken together they provide a thorough exploration of contemporary times.
A total of 570 artists submitted works for The Spring Exhibition 2014. Of these, 73 were invited to show a total of 115 works.
The participating artists are: Kristian Andersen (DK), Johan Ankersen (DK), Louise Frølund Bech (DK), Helle Kingbird Bjerregaard (DK), Tom Bogaert (CH), Sofia Boito (BR) & Jonathan Ussing (DK), Manuel Canu (DK), Christer Chytraeus (SE), Oana Constantineanu (DK), Kristine Djurhuus (DK) Linda Weiss Drescher (DK), Benjamin Dufour (BE), Pilar Mata Dupont (AUS/NL), Lea Mi Engholm (DK), Kate Fahey (GB), Romina Farkas (DE), Adam Fenton (GB), Brian Frænde (DK), Hanne G (DK), Jay Gard (DE), Sanne Grauengaard & Katrine Hvid (DK), Jeppe Gudmundsen-Holmgreen (DK), Tom Hackney (GB), Jonas Greve Handskemager (DK), Pernille Snedker Hansen (DK), Sanne Hedeskov (DK), Marie Helles (DK), Malene Hvidt & Xenia von Buchwald (DK), Kevin Hviid (DK), Moa Håkansson (NO), Anette Jensen (DK), Carsten Johansen & Victor Stilling (DK), Malene Kastalje (DK), Inger Margrethe Larsen (DK), Rosemary Lee & Jens Lee Jørgensen (DK), Hannah Lees (GB), Søren Lilholt (DK), Petra Lilja (SE), Rasmus Bryde Lind (DK), Tom Lindboe (DK), Trine Lyngsholm & Augusta Sørensen (DK), Frederik Lønow (DK), Leon Matis Robin Monies (GB), David Moises (AT), Lars Mostad (DK), Matilde Mørk (DK), Karen Thordur Nielsen (DK), Morten Sylvest Nøhr (DK), Maj Persdatter (DK), Christine Petersen (NO), Saara Piispa (FI), Karina Presttun (NO), Eva Britt Rasmussen (NO), Christina René (DK), Jens Rost (DK), Søren Rønholt (DK), Susan Schuppli (GB), Isabel Seliger (DE), Camilla Skibrek (NO), Ben Sloat (US), Maria Sparre-Petersen (DK), Matti Sumari (SE), Toshie Takeuchi (JP), Hanna Talje & Julia With (DK), Birthe Thy (DK), Trbl (DK), Elvira Varghans & Maja Li Härdelin (SE), Anne Dorthe Vester & Maria Bruun (DK), Lars Vilhelmsen (DK), Anne Vilsøe (DK), Marlon Wobst (DE), Yingji Yang (DE) og M. E. Öijer & B. K. Öijer (SE). Jury and Awards The works in The Spring Exhibition 2015 have been selected by an international jury comprised of the artist Emil Westman Hertz (DK), artist Philip Grözinger (DE), designer Ditte Hammerstrøm (DK), architect Carsten Juel-Christiansen (DK) and curator Ikko Yokoyama (JP/SE). As well as selecting the works, the jury has also nominated ten artists for this year’s two jury awards: The National Solo Award and The International Solo Award. This year’s winners will be publically announced during speeches on the opening night. The Solo Awards are accompanied by an invitation to exhibit in their own room at The Spring Exhibition next year. The ten artists nominated for this year’s awards are: Manuel Canu (DK), Oana Constantineanu (DK), Pilar Mata Dupont (AUS/NL), Jay Gard (DE), Marie Helles (DK), Frederik Lønow (DK), Isabel Seliger (DE), Camilla Skibrek (NO), Anna Dorthe Vester & Maria Bruun (DK) and Marlon Wobst (DE).
The Solo Award Exhibitions 2015
The Spring Exhibition 2015 includes two solo exhibitions by the winners of last year’s solo awards. The Danish French artist Valérie Collart, winner of The National Solo Award, exhibits the photographys and sculptures Parts and Wholeness in the north wing, and the Swedish artist duo Maja Qvarnström og Erik Lagerwalls, winner of The International Solo Award exhibits their total installation Monumentet in the South Wing.
This year’s exhibition has been generously supported by Kunsthal Charlottenborg, The Danish Arts Foundation, The Committee for Visual Art in Copenhagen, Knud Højgaard Fond, L.F. Foght Fond, Augustinus Fond, 15. Juni Fond, 71 Nyhavn Hotel, Vinhanen and Pladevennerne.
Catalogue The exhibition is accompanied by a gratis catalogue with a survey of all the participating artists, a statement by the jury, as well as a citation for the choice of the jury award winners in The Spring Exhibition 2015.