
Karl Holmqvist

Give posters a try

20 sep – 17 nov 2013

Karl Holmqvist (b. 1964 in Sweden) works with words. Via words in books, in performances, on posters and in sounds, he examines the meaning formation, origins and usage of words. He has been doing this for almost twenty years under the slogan, mantra and challenge Give Poetry a Try, which on the occasion of this exhibition has become Give Posters a Try.

A gigantic hanging of 71 different black and white posters forms the focal point of the Holmqvist exhibition, which is situated in the large central hall of the South Wing. The posters have been pasted onto the walls from floor to ceiling, like a flickering black and white wallpaper in words and images. The exhibition also includes three video works: I’M WITH YOU IN ROCKLAND (2005), I’LL MAKE THE WORLD EXPLODE (2008) and A IS FOR A-R-A-K-A-W-A (2012).

Furthermore Karl Holmqvist has placed a rickshaw at the disposal of the exhibition guests, in which they can be taken around during the exhibition and have a rest while they watch Karl Holmqvist’s works glide by.

Karl Holmqvist

Give posters a try

20 sep – 17 nov 2013

Karl Holmqvist (f. 1964  i Sverige) arbejder med ord. I bøger, i performances, på plakater og i lyd undersøger han ords betydningsdannelse, ords oprindelse og ords anvendelse. Det har han gjort i snart tyve år under sloganet, mantraet og opråbet Give Poetry a Try, der i anledning af denne udstilling er blevet til Give Posters a Try.

En gigantisk ophængning af 71 forskellige sort/hvide plakater er omdrejningspunktet for Holmqvists udstilling, der udspiller sig i Sydfløjens store centrale sal. Plakaterne er klæbet op på væggene, fra gulv til loft, som et flimrende sort og hvidt tapet af ord og billeder. Udstillingen viser også 3 videoværker: I’M WITH YOU IN ROCKLAND (2005), I’LL MAKE THE WORLD EXPLODE (2008) og A IS FOR A-R-A-K-A-W-A (2012).

Desuden har Karl Holmqvist stillet en rickshaw til rådighed for publikum, som under udstillingen kan lade sig køre rundt, hvile benene og opleve Karl Holmqvists værker defilere forbi.
