
Irena Haiduk

Seductive Exacting Realism (SER)

21 sep – 6 oct 2019 Opening: 20 sep 2019 17:00

Kunsthal Charlottenborg presents Irena Haiduk’s first solo exhibition in Scandinavia. Seductive Exacting Realism (SER) is a sound programme based on an interview the artist Irena Haiduk (b. 1982 in Beograd) conducted on January 14, 2015 at Harvard University’s Carpenter Center, with Srdja Popovic, co-founder of the OTPOR! student group and the consultancy CANVAS (Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategy), who advises democratic, revolutionary movements all over the world.

The 28-minute programme is experienced in total darkness and commences every hour, on the hour. The conversation presents similarities between the contemporary artist and the revolutionary consultant, who are actors in Western corporate economies nourished by displacement, military intervention and financial warfare. In the dark, these equivalences are felt as the advantages of orality emerge, announcing another way of making history: another kind of economy.

This presentation marks the beginning of a two-year collaboration with Irena Haiduk, and the opening of Yugoexport’s economy inside Charlottenborg’s bookshop. SER was originally commissioned by the Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago, and later exhibited at the 14th Istanbul Biennial and documenta 14. The exhibition is curated by Michael Thouber.

The exhibition is curated by Michael Thouber and supported by The Danish Arts Foundation and The Obel Family Foundation.

Hashtag to the exhibition: #seductiveexactingrealism #irenahaiduk

Irena Haiduk

Seductive Exacting Realism (SER)

21 sep – 6 oct 2019 Fernisering: 20 sep 2019 17:00

Kunsthal Charlottenborg præsenterer Irena Haiduks første soloudstilling i Skandinavien. Seductive Exacting Realism (SER) er et lydværk baseret på et interview udført af den serbiske kunstner Irena Haiduk (f. 1982 i Beograd) den 14. januar 2015 på Harvard University Carpenter Center med Srdja Popovic, medstifter af studentergruppen OTPOR! og konsulentfirmaet CANVAS (Center for Applied Non-violent Action and Strategy), der rådgiver revolutionære bevægelser over hele verden.

Det 28 minutter lange værk opleves i totalt mørke, og det begynder forfra hver hele time. Samtalen mellem Haiduk og Popovic fremdrager ligheder mellem den moderne kunstner og den revolutionære konsulent i deres forhold til og meddelagtighed i vestlige økonomiske interesser, der næres af migration, militær indgriben og økonomisk krigsførelse. I mørket mærker man gradvist disse ligheder, idet fordelene ved mundtlig formidling træder tydeligt frem: her opstår en anden måde at skrive historie på, en ny og anderledes slags økonomi.

Præsentationen markerer begyndelsen på et toårigt samarbejde mellem Kunsthal Charlottenborg og Irena Haiduk, hvilket blandt andet indebærer at kunstnerens projekt, Yugoexport, åbner en filial i kunsthallens boghandel. SER blev oprindeligt skabt til The Renaissance Society på University of Chicago og er siden udstillet på bl.a. den 14. Istanbul Biennale og documenta 14.

Udstillingen er kurateret af Michael Thouber og støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Det Obelske Familiefond.

Hashtag til udstillingen: #seductiveexactingrealism #irenahaiduk #kunsthalcharlottenborg


